Shenandoah: Lands Run Falls Hike
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Shenandoah National Park may be my favorite place on Earth...It has strong memories for me and I go there to find comfort and adventure.
Skyline Drive is where my dad used to take my sister, uncle, and me on Black Friday. We often hiked up to Mary's Rock.
This winter our little group did a 1.3 mile hike straight downhill to the falls then followed the trail 1.3 miles back up a steep grade. Oh man were my legs feeling it on Monday!
This hike is a fairly easy trip (although uphill the entire way back to your vehicle). If you haven't been up on skyline drive then it is a MUST for this area. Head down I-81 and get off on 66. Take a right off the Front Royal exit. If you like hiking, camping, taking pictures of scenic views, or even if you'd like to just take a drive somewhere then Shenandoah National Park has a lot to offer you!